Monday, April 28, 2008


I got up to nurse Kajanae and couldn't fall back to sleep, so I decided to do some technical work on my poor little neglected blog. :) First, I couldn't STAND the atrocious distortion of my new picture, so I removed my profile pic and added a new page element that allows me to add a picture at its real size.

Secondly, I re-enabled my comments. I have it set so that anyone can comment; this way, even those of you who don't have a blog (or if you have a blog with wordpress instead of blogspot) can still comment. I came to this decision after discovering that I can moderate the comments!! So...yeah...I'm really excited about re-enabling this to hear everyone's comments and input...but I can determine the appropriate comments from the malicious ones, which is really the key!

I also want to give an update on my recent health issue. I'm doing much better...the counting has really brought the severe deficit of calories in my diet to my attention. When I'm taking care of everyone else, it's sooo easy to just let no breakfast slide into no lunch...and no lunch slide into a quick, dinky dinner while catering to everyone else's needs. So...I'm quickly approaching my first weight goal, which is really exciting. From my perspective, from just looking at myself, I still don't see the problem...that is, until I hop on the scale. The scale doesn't lie...and was really my saving grace because I could see the problem in a concrete form. So I can continue nursing both of my younger daughters...and I feel SOO much better now that I'm more conscientious about my food intake...more energy, and just an overall feeling of better health.


Anonymous said...

That is GREAT news, sis. Glad to hear it. We need to go out to eat one of these days soon. Hit me up and we'll choose a date.

Anonymous said...

Your daughters are beautiful!!!

Kimora, Kariah, and Kajanae's Mommy said...

Kaneefa, dear- absolutely! I would love to see you soon. Are you available this weekend? I'll call you!

Thank you, anonymous! However, I would ask that if anyone posts as anonymous from now on that you be sure to write your name...that way I know if you're a family member, friend, fellow blogger, or someone else from online! :)

Anonymous said...

Well that's a relief, girl! We knew it wasn't intentional. You just get super busy with everything. I'm just glad we won't have to do an intervention on your skinny ass!

Kimora, Kariah, and Kajanae's Mommy said...

LOL! Uh-hem...language, Jacinta!!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to leave this message for you on here my Dear! The kids are gorgeous, so are you, I will talk to you on Hellorazzi too, got back from Nashville and am so tired still, have a good weekend!