Lord willing, this November we will welcome TWO new K's into our family:
Karmello Jamal
Kaydence Amaya
Karmello and Kaydence are biological half-siblings; they have the same biological mother; their father's identities are unknown. Karmello is 3; his birthday is in February, so he's one month older than Kimora. Kaydence just turned 1 last week. She's just about exactly one year younger than Kariah and five months older than Kajanae. We are BEYOND excited to welcome these little people into our home. I know people roll their eyes when celebrities say they are "over the moon," but I truly feel over the moon right now as the legalities are finalized, there's an end in sight to this whole process, and our family will soon be together. While my own impatience and rousing anticipation are very real to me, viewing this adoption from an outsider's perspective, this has gone amazingly quickly for several reasons:
1) We're adopting from foster care
2) We're adopting toddlers, not infants
3) Karmello and Kaydence are non-white; their mother is Puerto Rican, and by appearances, we believe their fathers to be black (we'll never be sure, though, as appearance aren't reliable in themselves)
4) Their social workers wanted to keep them together as a brother-sister pair, which also made them less "desirable" for many families
5) Both were substance-exposed prenatally and born prematurely
We've met several times already with these amazing little people, and when I first saw them, I felt instantly that they were MINE. Kaydence crawled up to me and reached her little arms up at me, wanting to be picked up...it felt almost as if we had met before. You know, that inexplicable feeling when you instantly connect with someone? I recall a similar feeling when I first met Jamal. Karmello was a little bit more inhibited, but he and Kimora hit it off right away; Kimora says that when she begins preschool next week that she wants to take Karmello with her. I keep telling her that he won't live with us until a few months later, but she insists on taking him to show him off!!
This update has been a long time in coming, and I apologize to those of you who had to wait so long to hear the details. This has just been an understandably busy time in our family as we move to a new home, prepare our girls for change, prepare to welcome Karmello and Kaydence, deal with the legalities of the adoption, prepare to send Kimora to preschool for the first time, and sell our old home. To those of you who have known about our decision to adopt Karmello and Kaydence for practically as long as we have and have supported us through it all, thank you so much for your continuous love and support. Karmello and Kaydence will be blessed to have you in their lives as Jamal, Kimora, Kariah, Kajanae and I have been blessed. And thanks babe for being my lover, my best friend, and my partner in crime through this whole adventure.
Signing off for now,
Karmello, Kimora, Kariah, Kaydence, and Kajanae's Mommy....aka Kx5